When you create business cards, you want them to serve a purpose. They should effectively get a potential client’s attention when they first receive them, stand out among all the other cards they receive and refresh the lead’s memory when they see the card again. Custom business cards stand out more than those from online templates, and you can use your specific brand colours rather than trying to find the closest match available online.
Exactly how can you use colour for the most impact on your business cards? How do you strike the balance to make your cards distinctive but not gimmicky? A few simple do’s and don’ts can help you make the most of your cards using colour. And of course, working with a skilled and experienced business card printer gives you the benefit of expert input on your specific card.
Do’s and Don’ts to Create Business Cards
- Do use a splash of vivid colour. A boldly colourful logo on a white card is dramatic and striking. When you work with an experienced printer to create business cards, you can choose something unusual such as border around the edge of your card to add colour.
- Don’t use too many colours. Yes, with custom business cards you could use many different colours, but should you? No, probably not. If your logo uses a range of bright hues, that is one thing, but don’t go mad with too many colours just because you can. It will overwhelm the eye and make your card hard to read.
- Do use colour card stock. Colour printing on a white card is not the only option. You can use a different colour card, especially if your logo is black and white or metallic. Combine the colour card with your brand colours and the result will be simply outstanding.
- Don’t use ink too close in colour to the card. If you use colour card stock, you have to be careful about what colour ink you choose. Don’t sacrifice readability. A printer experienced in designing custom business cards can help you find just the right shades.
- Do use full-colour photography. If your card includes a headshot of you or a photo of your location or a product, a colour photo can take your business card from blah to beautiful.
- Don’t use clip art or stock photos. People have seen it all before, and the beauty of custom business cards is that they are unique. Use images that link strongly to your brand identity, not something that anyone can pull off the internet.
Using colour well when you create business cards gives you a distinctive and effective card. Your card should play a role in promoting and solidifying your brand identity. Custom business cards should be instantly recognisable; people should see in a glance that it is your brand. Colour is a powerful tool to achieve this.
If you are in doubt on your business card design, needs advice on the right colour for your card or simply want to bounce an idea off us, contact our team today and we will be pleased to help you.