Tag Archives: wall graphics

Keeping COVID-19 Signage Effective

By now, everyone on Earth is well aware of the COVID-19 crisis. The messages about handwashing and facemasks have gone out globally on large posters, leaflets, wall graphics and every other type of printing. Some countries have even used songs to communicate the message about how to protect each other from this virus. Yet, being…
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Welcome Clients to Your Salon with Helpful COVID-19 Wall Graphics

It’s clear that we are going to be living with COVID-19 for a long time, and all sorts of businesses need to have proper signage explaining their safety rules to customers. For hair and nail salons, as well as barbers, this is especially important. These professionals are working in close proximity to customers for long…
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Importance of Wall Graphics for Safety

Never has the importance of floor and wall graphics been more evident than during the current pandemic when retail outlets need to give customers clear, instantly understood directions about keeping an appropriate physical distance apart. These graphics are powerful. Their message is immediate, visible and unmissable. When safety is an issue as it is now,…
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Bring Nature in with Wall Graphics

The great outdoors is a natural stress reliever. Nothing relaxes people like being out in nature, whether it is a stroll along the beach or a hike in a forest. And nothing stresses us out like working in an office or sitting in a medical waiting room. But with the right wall graphics, you can…
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