Have you ever returned from a networking event, looked at all the business cards you picked up from people and had no idea who was who? Many of us struggle to put names with faces, especially when we meet lots of people. If you are handing out your cards to potential customers, you want them to remember exactly who you are. That is a key reason to include a photo of yourself on your custom business cards.
If you include your photo when you create business cards, it does more than make you more memorable. It also makes you seem more friendly and approachable. Putting your picture on your custom business cards literally gives them the human touch, which is a real advantage. Gimmicky business cards can easily backfire, so that is a questionable tactic for most industries. If you are an entertainer it might work, but for insurance reps, estate agents, solicitors, medical professionals, accountants and other professionals, it sends the wrong message. In those fields you want to be seen as reliable and warm. Including your photo on your cards puts you in the right light.
Tips for Using Your Photo on Custom Business Cards
It isn’t as simple as using your favourite social media profile picture when you create business cards. Getting the right sort of photo matters. Here’s how to create a photo that will enhance your custom business cards.
- Use a simple, colour headshot. Black and white won’t look as warm and welcoming, and it won’t jog the memory as well as colour.
- Hire a professional photographer. A professional can get just the right lighting and framing to make you look your best. Working with a professional photographer and an experienced printer will ensure you get quality business cards that reflect your professionalism.
- Choose a neutral background that works with the logo colours and the type of business. Your photo needs fit smoothly as part of your custom business cards. It is an important visual element and should be part of the overall design.
- Wear solid colours. Prints are too busy and don’t photograph as well. You want people to remember your face, not struggle to figure out what the print on your shirt is. Remember, your photo is one part of the big picture.
- Remember, use only high resolution photos when you create business cards. If the resolution is too low, it won’t reproduce well and it will give your card an amateur look.
The card stock and finish you use on your customised business card can make or break the photo. When you first contact a professional printer to create business cards, be sure to let them know you want to use your photograph. Then they can advise you on the best card stock and finish to ensure a crisp, clear, vivid image.
If you are considering your options for business card printing services in Dublin, our print experts can answer whatever questions you might have. Call 01-5390088 contact our expert team today here