Printing Services for Rebranding

Is 2020 the year your company will rebrand? That means more than redesigning your website. All of your printed materials need to reflect your new image too, and finding the right printing services to get things exactly right is an important part of the process. If you’ve invested in a new logo and modified your colour scheme, it is critical that all of your materials – online, printed and in-shop – use these and get the colours and fonts exactly, precisely right. This builds a stronger brand that stays in people’s minds.

To make your new brand look a success, it needs to be done right. Everything needs to coordinate. You’ll need expert printing services to create business cards, print letterhead and design brochures that fit precisely with your new brand concept and design. Your printed materials are not an afterthought. They are what people will carry around in the bags and wallets, what they will read when they have time to sit down and pour over the details. Those materials must be instantly identifiable as yours with exact brand colours and quality paper.

Rebranding Checklist for Printed Materials

When you have your brand materials redesigned with a new version of your logo, a new tagline and whatever other changes, you’ll have a lot of print materials that need to be updated. It’s easy to overlook something, so here is a handy list to remind you of what you might need to do.

  • Create business cards using your new logo, colours, etc. Telling people about your rebrand is a great opportunity to give them a card.
  • Print letterhead and compliments slips. Even if most of your communication is electronic, you will need these. Printed correspondence is still part of doing business today.
  • Design new brochures, flyers and leaflets. This is a good time to update the imagery and review the text too.
  • Get new NCR books for orders, invoices, delivery notes, etc. so people are not confused by out of date ones.
  • If you have any posters or wall graphics on your premises, these need to match your new brand too.
  • Don’t wait until you are attending an event or giving a seminar to get new pull up posters, banners, presentation folders, etc.

A rebrand is a huge undertaking. But as companies grow and evolve, and consumer preferences and styles change, the time comes when it is essential for a brand to update its look or risk being out of date.

You can make this much easier by working with one company for quality printing services. An experienced printer can advise you about the best way to use your new logo on printed materials. Then you deal with just one large order of new printed materials to launch your new brand look, freeing up your time to focus on running your company.